2025 ISHM Scholarship Golf Tournament

Future ISHM Dates

98th ISHM   -   May 13-15, 2025

99th ISHM   -   May 12-14, 2026

100th ISHM   -   May 11-13, 2027

Education & Training - v2


The General Committee produces the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement Proceedings. Copies of the current Proceedings will be available on the ISHM website after the school has concluded and past year Proceedings are available on the CEESI library website. A link to the current school Proceedings and a link to CEESI’s library website for past Proceedings can be found at the following link.

marketing box 2


The purpose of the School is to provide measurement instruction in both technical and non-technical subjects for personnel in the industry. We do this with tremendous cooperation and support from the University of Oklahoma, other sponsoring industry associations, regulatory commissions, the operating companies within the petroleum industry and the manufacturing firms who service the industry.



The ISHM Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 to provide financial assistance and support to university and technical school students pursuing degrees and certifications in fields relevant to the energy industry.  Since its inception, ISHM has awarded over $340,000 in scholarships to successful applicants. ISHM is a 501(c)(3) organization in the State of Oklahoma.  Additional information is available at this link.

ISHM Mobile App

After you register for ISHM 2024, you will be emailed a link for the 2024 App.  Using the app, you’ll be able to browse the ISHM program schedule, build your own itinerary, view the expo hall and venue maps, and read profiles on instructors and exhibitors. You can also check out class descriptions, rate classes and download papers.


The equipment manufacturers and measurement service providers are key to the success of ISHM and provide a tremendous amount of support and value to the School through educational exhibits and supply key subject matter experts for our classroom instruction.  All exhibited equipment conforms to the standards established and controlled by the General Committee that is student focused. Preparation of exhibits and the cooperation of the exhibitors continue to make the School a success.

Exhibitor Information


The General Committee is responsible for planning and conducting the annual School. The General Committee consists of forty-one members and is made up of the General Chairman, association members and representatives elected from industry and manufacturing.